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940nm bandpass filter

  • 940nm bandpass filter
  • 更新时间:2014-08-26 15:11:56


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  • 产品描述
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A filter. Separation of a band of monochromatic light from the composite light filter. It has a light distribution curve of symmetry, the central wavelength of maximum transmittance. Peak transmittance at half wavelength spacing, delta lambda two symmetric point light curve as the half width of pass band filter. Divided into narrow band filters and broadband filter. The spectral instrument for eliminating grating spectrum overlap.

Field of application:

Red laser container measuring instrument,

Barcode scanner

Desktop barcode scanner

Laser measuring instrument

Red laser pumped LD

Red laser diode

IR rangefinder

Fingerprint identification instrument

The product index:

Wavelength: 940 ± 2nm

Through rate: T>91%

Bandwidth: 43nm

Stop band 400nm-900nm


Cutoff rate: T<0.1%

Product specifications:





Product features:

Import of ultra-thin optical glass, high permeability, good smoothness, thickness tolerance, good optical properties such as smoothness

Imported coating equipment ion sputtering, film with the firmness degree is high, the spectral characteristics of good uniformity, center wave strong stability etc.

The product graph:

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